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Squirrels News - 5th February 2021


This week our topic was Mrs Blackhat and the ZoomBroom by Chloë and Mick Inkpen. The story introduces us to Mrs Blackhat, a witch who loves the colour black. She also loves technology and her new broom is incredible; producing bubbles, doing acrobatics and zooming around the world in just one afternoon. However, when the broom runs out of charge she has to turn to magic to save the day! The story was a great introduction to the exciting and incredible ways we can use technology.

The story informed lots of different activities throughout the week including deconstruction, potion making, rhyming, electricity and online safety. Next week is ‘Safer Internet Day’ and we discussed the importance of keeping ourselves safe when we use iPads, computers and phones which have internet access. We introduced the phrase "stop and think before you click" and discussed how it is really important to always ask an adult for help.

Now more than ever the wellbeing of the Squirrels is of paramount importance which is why our extra curricular activities are part of our weekly timetable. Yoga has been a particularly great activity for the Squirrel's wellbeing - not only in developing their ability to listen to and follow the demonstrated poses but also in building strength, refining their balancing skills and encouraging them to take time to breathe. Over the past few weeks the Squirrels have been focusing on their ‘Sun Salutations’ and ‘Supine Twists’ and have made great progress with these. 

One of the highlights of the week was our ‘Witches Cauldron’ messy activity which we set up in the Outdoor Learning Environment. the children were incredibly excited to take part in making magic potions together outside in this activity. They used pots, pans and spoons to mix, pour and spoon their magical potions swell as adding flower petals, herbs and colours to their concoctions. The children let their imaginations run with potions that turned you into black cats and others that made you levitate! 

Our Science Focus this week was all about electricity. We began by learning about and naming all the different types of technology we can find at Nursery and at home before exploring simple circuits. The children got to grips with batteries, wires and bulbs, working together to light up their bulb up in a circuit. This activity provided so many language opportunities; naming the equipment and their roles within a circuit as well as safety rules. Seeing the children’s satisfaction at completing their circuits was great and they were all very proud of their achievements. 


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