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Kits News - 19th March 2021

The Kits had a great week this week and our topic book has been one of the children’s favourite stories; Shark in the Park! by Nick Sharratt. In the story there is a little boy called Timothy Pope who has a telescope. He looks through his telescope and sees shark fins everywhere. Each time he sees a shark fin, he gets closer only to discover that it is something else! The children love this book and it is a great story to introduce new language about the outside world.

During Drama we played with the instruments. We practiced playing them loudly and then quietly and the older Kits developed their ability to listen to and copy a simple rhythm. In Art, we made colourful telescopes like the one Timothy Pope has in the story. The Kits had lots of fun using scissors and glue to decorate their telescopes in different colours and materials. We then used the telescopes during our Maths Focus Time, where we learnt about positional language, to look up, down, left, right, under and above. Rhyming was the focus of our Communication and Language Focus Time where the children played a rhyming pass the parcel.  We extended this in our Outdoor Learning Environment where the Kits had to find and jump on the pictures which rhymed.

The highlight of the week was our Science lesson when we explored looking at natural objects using both a magnifying glass and also a digital microscope, which sent images to the iPad. The children were fascinated to see the zoomed in images on the screen and it led to lots of questions including what objects are made out of and how they grow. We continued to focus on the natural world during our time in the Outdoor Learning Environment as we watered the plants using spray bottles. Using triggers on the spray bottles to water the flowers helps develop the children’s hand strength and dexterity. The children have also been developing their fine motor skills through a variety of practical life exercises,  as well as through cutting and playing with playdough.

Our role play area this week has been set up as a supermarket filled with empty packaging from real food items such as cereal boxes and egg cartons. The children have loved buying and selling goods to each other and this has supported the development of their social skills as well as their communication and language as they learn new vocabulary.


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