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Kits News - 17th September 2021


The Kits have had a great week and we have spent the week focusing on learning about our Classroom Principles. Our Classroom Principles are ‘Kind Hearts’, ‘Listening Ears’, ‘Taking Turns’, ‘Walking Feet’ and ‘Gentle Hands’. They help the children to understand the behavioural expectations in nursery and we have lots of fun as we learn them!

We have made ‘Gentle Hands’ using paint and fabric in Art and developed our ‘Listening Ears’ as we played an animal sound bingo game in our Communication and Language Focus Time. We have also been reading books revolving around the Classroom Principles including ‘It’s My Turn!” by David Bedford and ‘Kindness Rules!’ by Eunice and Sabrina Moyle which have been great at opening up group discussions around why we have our principles and what happens or how people might feel if we don't follow them.

During Cookery we developed the children’s fine motor skills and practised using tools such as rolling pins and cutters to make delicious ‘Kind Heart’ shaped shortbread. The children all loved getting their hands messy and exploring the different textures of the shortbread dough and all shows great focus when helping measure and mix the ingredients together.

We were very excited to attend our first Dance and Sports lessons of the term this week. During Dance the children developed their imagination as well as their gross motor skills as they crouched down and then stretched up high, pretending to be a seed growing into a flower. In Sports with Coach Pedro the children listen to and followed his instructions to run around the cones and throw and kick the balls. They also developed their Maths skills as they set to busily sort Coach Pedro’s cones into different piles, categorising them by colour.

We have been enjoying the warm weather in the Outdoor Learning Environment and the children have been making sand castles in the messy tray and making cakes with the natural objects in our mud kitchen. This has been a great opportunity to extend their imagination and language skills as we have talked about their trips to the seaside and they have created lots of delicious imaginary meals for their friends. We’ve also played with the guttering while outside and the children have explored cause and effect and speed with various experiments. These have included sending cars and pouring water down it, where we worked as a group to make predictions and observe what happened.


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